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Together: A European Superpower

Updated: Dec 2, 2020

This will be the first political piece of a series of upcoming essays centering on European politics.

Europe, one of the greatest strongholds of freedom and democracy and the father of the Western Hemisphere, has suffered through unimaginable toil and terror since the Bronze Age. Throughout history, empires rose and fell. Conflicts had been waged and ended. People had died and been scarred. How can a continent broken by war ever be united? The realization for unity has never been more clearer after the fall of the most heinous empire known to mankind. As a result, when the dust cleared, the European people, so determined and spirited, created the most ambitious alliance since the creation of the Delian League: the European Union.

Since its inception, the European Union has brought a seventy year long peace among the European nations. Despite the evident differences in culture, tradition, and language, Europeans are united through a common currency, a common economy, and more importantly, a common belief of a free and just society. With a common economy and currency, it would be irrational for one nation to exploit or endanger the other, without endangering its own wellbeing. Alongside with a common economy, the borders between nations are unblocked, securing the notion that each nation is like a peaceful and homely abode for all Europeans. Under one flag, one song, and one name, each citizen of each European nation can jovially called themselves Europeans, a sight that most people in the past centuries would have not thought possible.

The European Union has all economic and social policies that distinguish itself as a grand nation, but like any other nation, it must prioritize the structure and creation of a grand military force that serves to protect its interests. However, instead of an united military force, the EU utilizes the European Defense Fund and cooperates with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In NATO, each member nation must contribute a percentage of their GDP to support the organization. The issue of this matter is that the United States is the primary contributor with a contribution of $3.61 of their GDP as of 2014, significantly higher than all of the European nations. In a sense, the European nations are over-reliant on the United States military. Europe must be self-sufficient, for the United States can not bear the burden to support themselves and others simultaneously. If Europe funds its own military force, not only will the United States be financially alleviated, it will have a partner of equal strength and might.

The proposition of a grand European military would include the army, navy, air force, and an amphibious force resembling the U.S. Marine Corps, all of which would be composed of Europeans from all European nations who wish to fight for their continent. This giant force would be used to serve one goal: the preservation of the European Union and its values of liberty and justice. This military would, by no means, unjustly instigate wars. It would serve to prevent past wrongs and establish a more long-lasting peace internationally and particularly, domestically.

Why have this military? Public opinion for a robust defense is strong: 75% of Europeans are in favor of a common EU defense and 55% are in favor of a EU Army, according to the European Parliament. In addition, Chancellor Merkel said "we ought to work on the vision of one day establishing a proper European army" in her 2018 address to the European Parliament. In 2017, President Macron argued for a similar proposition. But, more significantly, an European force would serve as the titanic symbol of freedom that rivals the likes of the United States. In the United States, each states has its own idiosyncrasies, but all of the fifty states are united behind the same Constitution that champions equality, liberty, and justice for all. Their military is, for so long, been the primary exemplar of service and opportunity to fight for those beliefs. Why not have this in Europe? After all, Europe has been plagued by division and war, and Europeans require healing. This European force will strengthen the ties of each European who cherishes the love of freedom and unity. To reiterate Winston Churchill's words, "Let Europe Arise!".

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