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The Tyrannical Storm Over Taiwan

China is threatening Taiwan, and the Free World must act.

From Foreign Affairs

God did not make war the mission of mankind. We are born from dust to make peace and do good, for it is right. Those who strive for war strive to see the world as a terrible theater of destruction and hell.

There are times, however, when nations do not adhere to this testament. The People's Republic of China believes in six years that its military will be capable enough to match or even surpass that of the United States, and when it does so, it can successfully invade and annex the nation of Taiwan.

The prospect of conflict is unfortunately looming. We are in that precarious situation that has appeared before in the days of the World Wars. But, in this day, we cannot afford to have a catastrophe of that destructive size happen again.

Preventing a third World War is our prime objective. Diplomatically pleading China to stop its military escalation and threats to annex Taiwan, however, will never achieve success. The Chinese Communist Party is too ambitious to back down from its grand objectives, for they want to be the mightiest in the world.

Therefore, we, the United States and the free world, must not plead, but rather do what is necessary to equip Taiwan with the resources, defense capabilities, and technology to robustly secure itself which will hopefully, in the end, force China to rethink its decision.

The Chinese government believes that it will succeed in its "rejuvenation" mission because the United States is not capable politically, socially, and militarily to defend Taiwan and prevent other Chinese objectives. The use of our words is long outdated. Action is our necessary course.

By robustly putting ourselves in the forefront - using all our strength and willpower - to defend Taiwan whatever the cost may be, we, the free world, prove that we are not weak, idle, or submissive. The Free World must be there and ready to prevent the destruction of the world, whilst putting our boot on ground to defend the free peoples of Taiwan.

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