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Accepting Refugees from Afghanistan

The United States must not forget the people it's leaving behind.

From CNN

It is without a doubt that the United States has failed its goal of establishing a fully-democratic government in Afghanistan. The Taliban has proved itself formidable by preventing audacious American military and political objections from reaching their desired outcome. Thus, trillions of dollars of American investments and resources, and thousands of human lives have been lost.

Withdrawal from Afghanistan is the most logical option for the United States. It is rather bitter-sweet. On one hand, the United States will not waste its financial and material resources on endless wars - the government can judiciously use them to address the domestic problems that have been unchallenged for many years. American soldiers can now be reunited with their families, stabilizing communities once again.

However, on one hand, darkness still reigns. The people of Afghanistan - those with good nature - will succumb to the grip of Taliban rule. Their governance is accompanied with subjection and control. Afghan women are now in fear because their basic rights will be thwarted when the Taliban take control of their entire nation. Afghan men whose heart is with peace will share this burden as their lives will be governed by the same tyrants.

In order for Afghanistan to be truly free, the Taliban must be deconstructed and removed by proper military action and the success that comes from it. That success must include not only that deconstruction, but also the prevention of the loss of innocent lives. Whether that success will come is questionable beyond belief. Success is too much to ask for in our current state of affairs.

So, what should be proposed is this non-interventionist stance - the United States must wholeheartedly and graciously accept Afghan people as refugees. In this course, the Afghan people who seek the good life can escape the wrath of tyranny. It is the responsibility of the United States to do this, for we are the nation who boastfully proclaims to the entire world that we are the protectors and preservers of human rights.

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